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10/01/2019 9:44 pm
I can’t report on users based on their Active Status! Is there a workaround?
10/01/2019 9:46 pm
Through a very simple script and a single custom field, you can work around this limitation in Open Air quickly and easily. Follow the steps below to allow reporting by active status in Open Air.
1. Navigate to Administration > Global Settings > Custom fields
2. Create a new custom field in the User form called “isactive”
3. In the Form Permissions for Users, make the field Read-Only to prevent discrepancies
4. Create a User Form Script and paste the following code
This script will automatically look up the value of “Active” and duplicate the value into your custom field, which can be reported on.
5. Deploy your script with “Upon Submit” Event function
6. As long as “Custom Fields Available as Filters in Selected Reports” is enabled (Contact your system administrator), you can use the custom field to filter by in reports.
7. Update the users using your preferred method and the option will reflect accurately on reports.
The resulting script will run in the background each time you visit a User Demographic and ensure Active (unusable in reporting) matches with “Isactive” (your custom filter usable in reports)